Meditation Immersion Online Course


Meditation Immersion Online Course


Gamechanger: the ultimate online-course that will enable you to eliminate anxiety through a solid meditation practice for years to come.

Does this sound like you…

✔️You get anxious in relationships, intimate but also sometimes family and co-workers.

✔️Your anxiety arises and there is conflict and emotional discomfort that seems to be on repeat.

✔️You finally realized that there is an inner pattern of anxiety that keeps playing out and it isn’t random.

✔️You lash out in self-protection & say things you wish you hadn’t.

✔️You attempt to make your anxiety feel better by fixing the other person.

Then this course is your way to peace and calm:

Meditation trains the anxious mind to be still and changes the channel to the present moment

An 8-week self-paced online course that gives you the tools to eliminate debilitating anxiety

  • You will learn all about posture as well as 8 essential styles of meditation that will give you everything you need to calm your anxious mind and access your inner wisdom:

  • In Posture 101, you will learn all about the importance of posture and how to support your body in sitting correctly for meditation.

  • 1. In Pranayama Meditation, you will learn techniques to breathe more deeply and calmy which immediately soothes your nervous system and mind.

  • 2. In Savasana Meditation, you will learn how to relax your body very deeply. The ability to relax your physical body ensures that your body is getting adequate rest and time to rejuvenate. Particularly helpful if you suffer from insomnia.

  • 3. In Mindfulness Body Scan Meditation, you will go even deeper into the body and learn to resolve unconscious pockets of tension that contribute to the pervasive feeling of stress and anxiety.

  • 4. During In-Light Meditation, you will become even more skilled at bringing your inherent capacity for loving healing deeply into the cellular tissue of your body. Tension will dissolve and body and mind calm down.

  • 5. In Mantra Mediation, you will learn how to use a mantra (mind-tool) for the purpose of reigning in the mind’s nervous chatter that often leads directly to anxiety.

  • 6. In Manifestation Meditation, you will learn the skill of manifesting positive outcomes by cultivating thoughts and visions that serve your life-path, versus thoughts and visions that manifest more of what you really don’t want.

  • 7. In Heal what Hurts Meditation, you delve a step deeper into the process of releasing the blocks in the energy field of the body that cause anxiety and tension. This meditation teaches you deep and compassionate self-love which is the ultimate healer of anxiety.

  • 8. In Forgiveness Meditation you learn to release the grudges you carry around in your energy system. This does not mean condoning unkind acts of any kind, it does mean releasing the tension that grudges create in your energy system..

  • The Course consists of 8 lectures about the particular meditation practice and 8 guided meditations that you are advised to use at least once a day for a week.

  • You also have access to a printable workbook if you are the journaling type.

  • Enjoy increased life satisfaction as you become more grounded and present with yourself and others.

  • Meditation is often the least tended to of the yogic practices -- but by far the most effective and important. It's a practice that eludes many students and even teachers.

Begin today. Turn everything off and let yourself be guided to a balanced inner state. Experience the immediate effect on body and mind.

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