The Heal What Hurts Process Level 1


The Heal What Hurts Process Level 1


A gentle yet powerful group- journey of releasing the emotional triggers that block your energy 

May 29 - July 17 | 8 Wednesday Meetings | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

8 Live Group Sessions (Zoom)

Downloadable journal

Digital Heal What Hurts Course (digital)

Discounted Private Sessions

Max 8 students per course

Prerequisites: none

Healing your emotional triggers is an inside job that is done most effectively when feeling safe, connected, and seen by fellow students on the path to emotional sovereignty.

we come to realize that when we are triggered the other person / situation is merely pointing to where our inner work lies. we hold each other accountable for a new approach to our spiritual growth.

Once you set yourself free, you can co-create and manifest relationships and friendships from a place of clarity and freedom.

there are just too many ways in which emotional triggers get in the way of what we really want to do in life and with other people.

  • Maybe you have developed a habit of numbing yourself when the emotional triggers are activated. Those very numbing agents (sugar, food, alcohol, drugs, electronics, shopping) negatively impact your energy and ability to focus.

  • Or perhaps your relationships suffer when you read scary stories into others' failure to meet your needs. This often repels the very person you want acceptance or security from.

  • What patterns may continue to repeat in your relationships as long as your triggers are not addressed?

  • What dreams are just waiting for you to manifest them unhindered by negative programming?

A Weekly Reset

Give yourself eight weeks to reset your body and mind for optimal health. This process guides you through practical and accessible practices—breathwork, meditation, self-inquiry, and conscious manifestation. As you move through the process, you will acquire the proven skills to cultivate a serene, clear space within, ensuring each week begins with a revitalizing reset for your overall well-being.

Meet Your Spiritual Companions

This process is taught in a safe group setting, where profound connections await. Recognize the shared experience of navigating life's challenges and feeling overwhelmed, particularly during trigger moments. Cultivate the practice of staying present and embracing self-love amid these challenges, fostering personal growth and creating a supportive community. Through this transformative journey, you'll discover that you're not alone, and your nervous system can recover from the stress of repeated emotional reactions as you nurture resilience and well-being.

Online support and private sessions

Between our weekly sessions, you will have the support of the 8-step online course, which includes a workbook and guided meditations to help you solidify your practices.

During this transformative process, you will:

  1. Cultivate awareness when triggered, viewing your body as a sacred roadmap for spiritual awakening.

  2. Identify and release stagnant energy causing stress and anxiety.

  3. Break free from seeking validation externally, establishing a self-sufficient mindset.

  4. Infuse life force into a new manifestation of your life.

  5. Engage in breathwork practices for anxiety relief and healing.

The course empowers you to attain emotional liberation by providing these powerful tools. Discover how to reconnect with your source and change the channel towards a more fulfilling life.

The Heal What Hurts Process will give you the tools to set you emotionally free.

FACT: every single person has emotional triggers. If you don’t heal them they wreak havoc on your relationships.

Healing your emotional triggers is an inside job. The other person is merely pointing to where your inner work lies. Once you set yourself free, you can co-create and manifest from a place of clarity and freedom.

Healing is paramount; your life force is depleted when the fight-and-flight mechanism is activated too often.

  • You likely have a habit of numbing yourself when the emotional triggers are activated. Those very numbing agents (sugar, food, alcohol, drugs, electronics, shopping) negatively impact your energy and ability to focus.

  • Your relationships suffer when you read scary stories about others' failure to meet your needs. This often repels the very person you want acceptance or security from.

  • How would your life change if you were not at the mercy of your triggers?

  • Where will your relationships end up if your triggers are not addressed?

  • What dreams are waiting for you to manifest them unhindered by negative programming?

The emotional freedom gained from this process becomes your foundation for laser-sharp manifesting and healthy relationships.

Disclaimer: The Heal What Hurts Process is not a substitute for therapy. If you are dealing with serious mental health issues, it is crucial to seek professional help. This process is a yogic method designed to address samskaras, which are unconscious patterns affecting our thinking, personality, interests, and tendencies, influencing decisions and actions in our lives. According to yogic philosophy, samskaras are enduring mental and emotional patterns carried across lifetimes.

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